Networking Events

Learn. Network. Grow.

The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce Business Council Project Team announces the launch of the LEARN. NETWORK. GROW. series of programing that will offer short learning experiences along with tips on networking or networking opportunities.  The series will offer a rotation of Breakfast Bites (8 am), Lunch Bites (noon) and Snack Bites (3 pm) to create the opportunity for investors  to attend when the time slot fits into their schedule.  Each will last for one hour and will be presented either as an in person or Zoom experience.

Business, Briefing, & brew (BB&b)

The second Wednesday of every month, at 8:00am, you are invited to a time of networking & a great cup of coffee. BB&b's are hosted by a different Chamber Investor each month. Watch the Calendar and Monday Reminders for each month's location!
Click here for the BB&b Guidelines

Register to host a Business, Briefing and brew or Business After Hours event.

Business, Briefing & brew Pre-Event Questionnaire.

State of the City and State of the County Addresses

These provide an opportunity for the public to hear the City and County perspectives on important events and issues that have had an impact on the community throughout the past year. You can watch recordings of 2024's addresses on the Chamber Governmental Affairs Project Team's Legislative Updates webpage.

Business After Hours (BAH)

An excellent forum for informal networking, a BAH allows investors to meet with others in a social atmosphere, in order to exchange business cards and acquire business leads. Any Chamber investor can host a BAH. It is a chance to meet new and prospective Chamber Investors, and talk with long time friends. The rules are simple: absolutely no speeches allowed.

Register to host a Business, Briefing and brew or Business After Hours event.

Business After Hours Pre-Event Questionnaire.